Ten people being conned

It has been said that there are ten people who are being conned:

  1. He who is convinced that Allāh is his creator but does not worship Him.
  2. He who is convinced that Allāh is his provider but is not content with Him.
  3. He who knows that this world is temporary but still relies upon it.
  4. He who knows his heirs are his enemies but still gathers Dunya for them.
  5. He who knows that death is coming but does not prepare for it.
  6. He who is convinced that the grave is his destination but does not decorate it.
  7. He who is convinced that he will be held to account but does not correct his tally.
  8. He who is convinced that he will have to cross the bridge but does not lighten his load of sins.
  9. He who is convinced that Hell is the place for evil doers but does not flee from it.
  10. He who is convinced that Paradise is the place of comfort but does no good deeds for it.

(Taken from Ruh ul Biyān; this is an excerpt from our forthcoming publication ‘Islamic Insights: Counsels for our Time’ expected early 2019)